The RAISE team develops and supports tools and processes that ensure the effective, efficient and transparent management of research activities across the University. It’s our mission to reduce the administrative burden on investigators, academic administrators and staff.
Active research funds overseen by the VPRI team
Invention disclosures
Financial reports generated
The Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation helps make
Helped develop the
One of the VPRI team’s most important roles is serving as the liaison with sponsoring organizations and monitoring and undertaking advocacy on the changing landscape of funding programs, especially those operated by the Federal Tri-Agencies. It is crucial that we leverage all available resources and creativity to support the competitiveness and success of researchers in a wide array of governmental, private-sector, not-for-profit, foundation-based and other research funding programs and opportunities.
In 2016, the Government of Canada launched the Fundamental Science Review, the first of its kind in 40 years. An independent review panel was tasked with assessing the programs currently in place to support science and scientists in Canada. The VPRI team co-ordinated the development of the U of T submission to the panel based on our experiences with the Granting Councils and other funding organizations, and through consultations with our researchers and administrators.
In order to convey the complex landscape of funding and research impact, we also developed for the first time the 2016
The VPRI also plays a significant role in supporting cross-divisional and inter-institutional research funding initiatives. In 2016, this included coordinating the development of an institutional proposal on Data-Driven Solutions for the second Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) competition, and coordinating resources and information to enhance funding and other opportunities in the area of Energy and the Environment.
Lab Innovation for Toronto Project (LIFT)
From left: U of T's Scott Mabury, Vice-President, University Operations; Hon. Han Dong, MPP (Trinity-Spadina);
In what
Innovations, Partnerships & Entrepreneurship
Successful partnerships between industry and members of the
“I can say without a doubt that [U of T’s] is the most technically competent and business-friendly Innovations & Partnerships Office that we have dealt with.”
Himanshu Sudan, Director, eCamion Inc.
External financial audits across 81 individual funds and a National Institutes of Health financial-related audit
Accountability & Reporting
Ensuring accountability and accurate and timely reporting are crucial elements of academic research and innovation.
In 2016, the VPRI conducted an in-depth review of the University’s mechanisms for adherence to U.S. Financial Conflict of Interest guidelines and developed interpretation documents and specific processes to assist our faculty.
The VPRI also participated in the Indigenous Research Ethics and Community Relationships Working Group as part of U of T's response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
In-class health and safety training sessions
Environmental Health and Safety
In 2016, oversight of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) became part of ROCO’s mission. EHS’s job is to ensure that
The My Research – Animal Protocols (MRAP) online protocol system successfully completed its first full year of operation in 2016, providing excellent service to researchers and upholding the highest standards of animal care and welfare.
Cross-Portfolio Operational Improvements
The VPRI team continuously seeks to improve its service by developing and enhancing innovative, state-of-the-art administrative systems and tools and providing research information analysis to support strategic research planning. In 2016, we continued to advance the Research Administration Improvement and Systems Enhancement (RAISE) initiative, focusing on the recently launched Calendar tool. This efficient tool enables VPRI staff to track funded research deadlines and deliverables, send reminders to Principal Investigators and administrative support staff, and generally improve planning for and compliance to sponsor requirements. Other projects currently underway include My Research – Human Protocols (MRHP), scheduled for roll-out in 2017; My Research – Intellectual Property (MRIP), which will streamline the invention disclosure and royalty distribution processes; and My Research – Documents (MRDocs), which will make key documents associated with each funded project visible to all participants.
We have also continued to develop online training seminars that are available to faculty and students across the University. This year we developed the Human Ethics online seminar.
“One very useful feature [of MRAP] is the ability to track original, amended and renewed protocols. This offers a much needed transparency to the entire process and a fairly simple way for users to track their own activities and to see what has been approved in the past.”
Professor Vince Tropepe, Chair, Cell and Systems Biology
My Research Module Average Annual Submissions
Applications (MRA) :
3,700+ applications
Animal Protocols (MRAP):
900+ documents
Human Protocols (MRHP):
3,600 documents est.
RAISE continues to benefit the work of the VPRI and our academic units and researchers. Through a two-pronged approach—increasing the visibility of indirect cost budget requests through the controls of the My Research Applications system and the automation of monthly postings of indirect cost recoveries—RAISE has contributed to a marked increase in revenue for indirect costs, augmenting the impact of U of T’s Research Administration Policy.
Nominations submitted for notable awards and honours, including 40 institutional nominations or co-nominations facilitated by VPRI and more than 220 submitted by divisions with VPRI support
Awards & Honours
Our ability to generate ground-breaking research and innovations also helps enhance national and international recognition of our faculty and, more broadly, the University. The VPRI team works closely with our academic divisions to support nominations for prestigious prizes and develop nomination strategies. We also collect and manage institutional award and honours data, inform the University community of opportunities for nominations, and celebrate the many successes achieved by
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